The Town of Middlefield, Massachusetts is advertising for an Accounting Consultant to help the town Finance Team, Administrator and Accountant transition to the Vadar System. The role will last through October 31, 2024.
1. 5 or more years experience in Municipal Accounting, experience as a municipal auditor would be a plus
2. 3 plus years using the Vadar accounting software
3. 5 plus years experience with the rules and concepts of the Uniform Municipal Accounting System (UMAS)
4. Thorough understanding of the Cybersecurity threats facing municipalities in the Commonwealth
The candidate will help assist the town accountant and members of financial team to:
1. Construct Chart of Accounts in Vadar
2. Reconcile Accounts
3. Help transition Middlefield to UMAS system
4. Report to town committee status of accounts monthly
5. Train the Town Administrator, Treasurer, and Town Accountant on best practices to avoid cybersecurity breaches and how to spot check for fraudulent invoices
The consultant role is open immediately, and shall end on October 31st.
Interested Candidates may apply by sending a Cover Letter and/or a resume to the Town Administrator at middlefield.adm@gmail.com The position is open until filled.