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Suzanne Lemieux
Assistant Town Clerk: Mark W. Doane
Term: Elected for 3 years, assistant appointed by Town Clerk
Term Ends: 2027
Office Hours: Monday 1-6 or by appointment
Phone: 413-623-2079; Fax: 413-623-6108
Mailing Address: PO Box 265, Middlefield, MA 01243
The Middlefield Town Clerk no longer be issues hunting or fishing licenses. The Dept. of Fisheries & All transactions can be completed through MassFishHunt. Pittsfield stores that issue licenses include Walmart, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and Dave’s on Route 7 Pittsfield.
Notice: All town employees must complete the Conflict of Interest Law review every two years, and file the certificate of completion with the Town Clerk.
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